Grower Bunch buys from Beneva Flowers.
We bring the flower market to you.
AFC Wholesale is the direct entity that imports flowers direct from growers for distribution in Sarasota. A true wholesale importer of fresh flowers and hard goods from all over the world, the product is received and immediately made available for Beneva Flowers.
Once product is received in wholesale, the process to sell and deliver to local florists begins. This is where the Beneva difference begins.
AFC Wholesale is owned by David Shuel, owner of Beneva Flowers. The offices and facilities are combined on Beneva Road allowing Beneva Flowers access to the very freshest flowers, instantly. Customers of AFC, which include other retail florists on the west coast of Florida, benefit because of the unique practice of AFC Wholesale.
Here is how it works:
In most cases, local flower wholesalers import flowers from the farms. This takes up to 3 days from the time the flowers are ordered. Once the product is received, the wholesaler must now hope to sell to a retail florist. In many cases, this could take 3-5 days or even more. Some flower wholesalers actually cut the flowers, put them in water, and drive them around to florists hoping to sell them. Once the flowers are cut and added to water, the life cycle has begun. By the time a florist receives the “fresh” flowers as from the wholesaler, you can see that they could easily be a week old already and the life cycle would have started.
Depending on how long it is before the public makes a purchase, the “fresh” flowers you are purchasing could be as old as 2 weeks before you begin enjoying them yourself.
When the flowers are received at AFC Wholesale, Beneva has immediate access. This allows the development and caring of the product to be completely in our control.
We have a select group of florists that meet our criteria for business practices. These are florists that are looking for the very best quality and understanding there is a fair price that is associated with it. These florists all PRE ORDER with us, meaning they know exactly what they want and when they want it. Like Beneva, when the product is received, we deliver it to them immediately, which ensures the finest and freshest product imaginable.
By establishing our relationship with the growers, and as our importing company develops, we increasingly offer more GROWER BUNCH specials. From peonies to sunflowers and roses and so much more, we can make having flowers in your home on a regular basis a reality and affordable.
Ask about GROWER BUNCHES whenever you could use a pick me up or to just freshen up your home. I know we will have flowers in a price range that is comfortable for you.
It’s how we continue to “Exceed your Expectations.”