A wicker basket filled with orange roses, green leaves, and red berries sits on a table in a festive, decorated room with a pink tufted sofa and a Christmas tree.


As an industry leader, we believe in the Beneva Flowers way of look, style and feel in everything we do, from a professional attitude to a genuine smile that reflects a positive attitude which leads to a great working environment.

Full Time/Part Time Floral Designer

Full Time and Part Time Openings Available.

We're hiring talented artists to produce stunning floral creations at our design center. The right candidate/s will be skilled in creating arrangements from small designs to the most spectacular pieces, that will exceed the expectations of our customers and their loved ones. Our designs span from everyday occasions to sympathy and the most grandiose events.

Roles & Responsibilities:
Is able to follow floral recipes and design.
Works well in a fast-paced environment. Creates unique designs that follow changing trends in color, flowers, and composition.
Designs first-class arrangements, centerpieces and decoration according to clients specific tastes, requests and needs.
Is available to work weekends and holidays.
Is flexible to work some evenings during holiday seasons.
Is committed to being organized and clean with regards to design floor, coolers and facilities.
Flourishes working in a team environment.

Preferred Skills:
Artistic Ability: Understands floral pairing and color patterns. Familiar with RTI. At least 5 years experience


  • Beneva Flowers offers an attractive compensation package, including competitive pay, a generous discount policy, health insurance and a 401(k) plan. paid vacation, retirement & bonus plans

Job Requirements

  • Minimum 5 years of design experience. (Part time will consider less)
  • Ability to handle multi tasks during peak periods
  • Collaborate on development of fashionable designs complimenting the current trends while considering and accommodating customers particular requests.
  • Wedding experience very helpful